Describe your reaction to what you saw in the movie “Children of the Mountain.” Do these people have an equal opportunity to succeed? Explain. What can/should be done to help these people pull themselves out of this cycle of poverty?
The movie was really sad and surprising. It was surprising to see how even in America people can live in those kinds of conditions. It really makes you appreciate what you have. I do however think that a lot of these people are in those situations largely because of their own mistakes. Many are into drugs, they may have committed crimes as well which really hurts them, and on top of that, they don't take care of themselves very well which puts them into more of a mess. I think it's probably a lot harder for these people to pull themselves out, but I believe that everybody has an equal opportunity. I believe that if you work hard enough and you don't give up, anything is possible. This is America. I think obviously these people need help, but I don't think we need to be getting the government involved like many people want to. It only makes the government stronger and it makes them spend more which increases taxes. That only hurts people more. I think private charities and other volunteer groups can help these people out more efficiently and without government help. I think the kids in these places need to learn from their parents mistakes and work to change their lives when they grow up. It's not easy, but it is possible.
This movie was an extreme downer. It shows really how lucky we are and how it isn’t easy to pick yourself up by the boot straps. However, whether we admit it or not life isn’t fair, so we take advantage of this. None of us haven’t taken advantage of these people, for that coal has probably powered something you own, or enabled factories to make some good or other for you. In the end they have little other options than coal mining. The real trouble is the fact that there is little to no way their community should ever pull up. It is not the government’s job to directly help them, however. Government is here to prepare the future through school and protect with an army and supply basic public things such as roads and courts. The only real ways to help them is to either set up another industry, coal preferably, to compete for workers. This could drive income of workers up significantly, which can help strengthen their economy. However, in order to help this succeed more would require rehab and prevention to drugs and mountain dew. I think, however, there is little chance of this happening, and thus they are likely just going to need to pull much harder than we have to in order to get our boot straps up.
The movie was very sad. I never would have thought that the United States could have a place that has this much poverty and drug problems. I feel bad that most of the people in these hills have it so bad that they can't even eat every day. I also didn't get why so many people would pay a lot of money for drugs, when they could be using the money to survive. No, these people don't have the same opportunity to succeed because they don't have the same stuff that we have and need. Many go to school, but they don't have the same typre of learning that everyone else has. These kids also don't have the same opportunity to succeed because many times, they don't have the same family support that many kids have with there families. The things that we can do could help these people out a lot. I believe that one of the things we can do is give the schools money for books and materials. Another thing that they need are more doctors to help for little money. Some other things that could help these people are to help them get off of drugs and to a better life with a job to support their family
This show was very sad and eye opening. I had no idea this was going on. I knew that poverty existed, but not in our country and not like that! I forget who said it but someone said in class that it’s a cycle and I completely agree. The kids can’t get out of the cycle. The football star tried to get out and he couldn’t. He worked so hard to get a scholarship and then he couldn’t deal with all of the stress of classes that he wasn’t prepared for. He seems to have tried so much harder than all of the other kids in his situation and it still wasn’t enough. He returned back to that cycle and I don’t think he can get out of it. He definitely didn’t have and equal opportunity and I’m not sure what can be done about it. Some of those people put themselves there with the drugs and everything, but what else are they supposed to do when everyone they know is the same way and they don’t have any way of getting out of that lifestyle. I guess people could send money or supplies to them, but they might not take charity. Maybe if more people were like the football player, then the cycle would change, but I just don’t know.
I was surprised by this movie because i didn't know that people lived that horribly in one town. It was very sad, especially the football player who was working his way out of his former life, but he had to drop out of college because it was too hard for him. I don't think that these people have equal opportunity because they don't receive the correct schooling in order to succeed. IF they wanted to move out of Appalachia, they would have to save a lot of money and get a decent job. Even if they did have a decent job, they would get sucked into the money and never leave or move onto something better, because they will be content with what they have already accomplished. It was really disappointing to see how hard it was for the people, and how they live their day to day lives. I'm not really sure how the government could help these people in need. maybe they could set up an organization that gives food, money, and supplies to these people?
It was hard to believe that there are parts in our country like that when they say that everyone has equal opportunity here. Obviously that is not true because the people living there were in poverty and it is hard for them to get out. For example the boy who was amazing at football and got a scholarship did not fit in at the school and he later dropped out. If he was given a fair opportunity I think that it would have been different. They have to work a lot harder than a lot of us have to just to get food or even clothing. Here we work hard but we get more for what we work for. I think to help them we should make more people aware of this part of our country and set up charities. Just something as little as that can make a great impact for them.
My reaction to “Children of the Mountain” was very eye opening to see such struggle in our “backyard” and we people do not even know about. It was hard seeing a teenager in high school sleeping in his car and had no family support. Along with rotten, missing teeth from Mountain Dew due to its low price and caffeine high. My heart was breaking for everyone in Appalachia especially those who dream to succeed and fall back due to their background, like the football star. These people do not have an equal opportunity to succeed because a lot of what they need comes from their family and past years of life. For example they need a car, a place to live and food to buy but all that takes money which these people do not have a lot of. The money they have buys food, pills and a sheltered environment for the entire family. They might succeed but something will bite them and put them back were they stated from. To pull the people of Appalachia out of this cycle of poverty the government needs to help these people by adding then with an equal opportunity at least where they live. By adding the town with new businesses, schools or a major selling point so people become aware of this horrible situation, thus also having other jobs than mining and drug selling available with little education needed. They should have some of the stimulus money go there, but have the government keep a close eye to where the governor spends/distributes the money. Especially if money goes to the people; the money has to be spent on either: food, bills, schooling, a car, or a shelter to live in. The money can and will not be spent on any pills for $120 even any other medications. They need are help but they have to want our help or else the cycle will not be broken.
The movie was a definite eye opener to the poverty that is consuming such a small town. We aren't accustomed to seeing such poor living situations or such dependency on drug dealing for food, so it really should make everyone think twice about what we are able to have. I was mostly shocked about the amount of drug abuse and lack of dental health, and the mountain dew being given out to such young children. Unfortunately, these people do not have an equal opportunity in the world. The high school boy accomplished an amazing feat by graduating high school and earning a scholarship to a college for football. Even though he had an education, it is all relative and it did not help him through his college classes forcing him to drop out. I think that this town is going to be stuck in the poverty cycle if drastic action isn't taken. Just like in the article we read before about how a high percentage of children born into poverty stay there, that is what is happening to this town. I think that a proper education system should be brought into the city, as well as doctors and dentists. But, they have to be willing to want to work themselves out of their current state in hopes of a better life. I think it is possible to better the lives of these people, but it isn't going to happen over night.
I think that we should have expected it. We know that these things happen in America and we are very ignorant sometimes we tend to think about ourselves alot. No one really does anything about it.We try sometimes but with little effort. Although sometimes we cannot help them,we know that this is going on. It is very sad and you really can't watch this movie and not want ot do something, but sometimes there really isn't any thing you can do. Right now we are all trying to fend for ourselves. I think it's horrible, that they have to live like this. I think the drug problem there is the worst. It is not good for their situation nad it's just going to get worse they really don't have a fair chance especially that boy that tried to go to college and couldn't keep up. Although i think that is really no excuse to drop out he should of just tried harder if he really wanted it.
I was slightly disgusted and surprised by the the movie. I was disturbed by the fact that it was the leading community with the highest amount of toothlessness, and in poverty. However, I have studied the 1950s, and I know that Appalachia has been on of the highest rated poverty stricken community in the United States for many years. The main problem or conflict comes down to the following question: Is the American dream a reality for all? Although most Americans would like to say that it is, "Children of the Mountains" most definitely contradicted this statement. Many people, especially the ones featured in this video, do not have the abilities or appropriate surroundings to even pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Unfortunately, this is a problem that exists throughout the entire world. These people do not have anything they can use to pull themselves out of the situation they are in. Additionally, in the current economic recession, there is an even slighter chance that these individuals will be able to find jobs or become employed. I believe that the American public is extremely greedy as a whole (part of the reason why we are in such poor economic standings right now), and we need to learn to give back a little bit to our communities, cities, states and entire country. Perhaps transportation systems could be built in order to deliver these people to near by school systems, or job centers. I believe that this community can get better in time, we just might need to help a little bit.
This movie really surprised me because I never would have thought that places like that existed in the USA. I definately think that while the people living there have the opportunity to succeed it won't come as easily as it would for someone who lives in a place live Centennial. Because their school system isn't as good and the available jobs are limited, in order to have the same opportunity as others they would at the very least be able to travel to a place where the schools are better and the jobs are more plentiful. Or more jobs and better education would have to be brought to them. That means that some people have to want to help so much that they'd be willing to make some sacrifices (like a pay cut and a home that maybe isn't as nice as one you could find around here), and the drug problem would probably also have to be taken care of. But I think that the cycle of poverty would be 100% breakable if everyone would take the time, effort, and commitment needed to make places like the Appalacian Mountain towns become more like the city we live in.
I think that this is horrible that all this is inside the United States. It leaves me wondering how with all the advances in the country over all these years how could this area have been left behind? All the other areas that started as mining town have either prospered or died off. This area has three times the national poverty rate, an epidemic of prescription drug abuse, the shortest life span in the nation, toothlessness, cancer and chronic depression. So why is the Appalachia Valley still in this shape?
And no these people don’t have an equal opportunity. At our high school we are prepared to go off to college because that is where most of us will go. In Appalachia the whole goal of their whole goal is to get their kids to graduate. As well, we can afford things that make our lives so much easier like car and computers. They struggle just to put food on the table so a computer or car is out of the question.
It is hard to say what would or could help pull these people out of poverty. It would need the determination of the people which is hard to have especially with the drug problem. They would need to get the money that they don’t have. It is good that there are people that help out like the dentist that used his own money to make a rolling dentist’s office. Or the lady how drives up in to the mountains every day to pick people up that need medical attention and only charges them what they can pay. I think more than anything else they need more of these people to help out and people who will help bring money into the community and keep that money in the community.
The movie was a real eye opener on how poverty is affecting people, even in America. I never could have guessed that was going on in our country. The kids are pretty much living on hope and hope alone, and they do not have an equal opportunity to succeed in this world like most children. They are born into families who can't afford a healthy living style, or to give them an education. Even the boy who got his high school diploma and went to college. At college he had no extra money to do anything fun or get materials to help him. Also his education was weak compared to that of better school systems. These problems forced him to drop out of college, and now he won't be able to break out of the trend in that town. The only thing that I think could help pull these people out of poverty is a country wide rescue fund. But even with that, the community there is already addicted to drugs and could easily fall back down on the ladder, so I don't think that there is a definite solution to this problem.
I found it very interesting how this is happening in America. My family came from Mexico to America to find a better dream and opportunities, which we have, but what can you say to these kids who have no place to go to better themselves in what is the greatest country of the world. It seems like they're trapped in their own prison. I really feel bad for these kids. I know what it's like to be barely hanging on, hoping for the best. Should the government provide aid and support? I don't know if it flows with the capitalistic ideas that are America. If anything the boundary should be set even so that everyone has a fair start at the beginning and from there best of wishes. For example like a decent education and living style, which none of these kids have. Unfortunately the solution to this problem is wide with many loopholes but if we take the time then a resolution may be found.
I do not think that these kids/families have the same opportunities as we do. Their schools are no where near as good as ours, Arapahoe gets kids ready for college, their elementary let alone wont even get them ready for high school I just think they can never get anywhere in life if they stay there or someone doesn’t come and intervene with those people and change their schools.
The movie "children of the mountains" came as a shock but not too much of one. I knew about poverty in this part of the country but I didn’t know about how extreme it had become. Drug addiction and other bad situations are what this small town was made of. When it comes to getting a fair shot, I would have to agree with what Scott said. I believe that it’s more of being born into it and then trying to get out is the hard part. It’s just like trying to get out of a hole and it getting deeper and deeper before you can get out. So in a situation like this, with the football star in the show. He was the first to finish high school in his family and even though he got a scholarship to college he had to drop out due to the fact that he couldn’t pay the little extras he needed. So basically no that not fair he had tried but when you’re already too far in the slums it would be hard for anyone recover. To get out would be the hard part because it’s such a fit cycle. A cycle that keeps on going and going. What they need to do is gain more expose of what this hidden America is facing. So hopefully with that more help can come and this hidden America won’t have to hide no more.
The people in this movie don't have the same opportunities we do however in retrospect I don't have the same opportunities as a kid who grows up with parents each worth one million. The world isn't fair and its notgoing to start being anytime soon. These children do have the opportunity to leave the town and try something different, they choose to stay because it is familiar to them. As far as poverty goes I continue that the world isn't fair and having our government start throwing money their way isn't going to make the world a fair place. I guess you just have to take what your given and make the best out of it. "When life gives you lemons... Paint that s**t gold"
Obviously the people living in these mountains do not have the same opportunity as most other people in America. Capitalisms ideals may be good in theory, but in truth, our form of capitalism is meant to make the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. The beginnings of a good start on life these days is to get a good collage degree and get a good job somewhere. But when you live in a place where most kids drop out of school before they finish high school, how is this possible? The kids that are lucky enough to finish high school can not afford to go to collage. Those few lucky enough to get scholarships to go to collage, are not ready at all. The job of the local schools is to get their kids trough high school so that they have a slim chance at getting a job, so kids that go there are not going to get the prep they need to start collage. There are smart kids who live in these mountains that will not be able to escape these mountains because of money problem. Meanwhile there is a rich kid on the other sides of these mountains that is lazy and will not lift a finger for anyone but themselves that will still get into collage because their successful parents pay for them, and then get a school wing named after their family. The truth is that our world has made it very unlikely for some people to be able to escape a cycle poverty.
CLearly the people that live in the mountains don't have the same opportunities that most people in America have. it isn't fair but thats the way that life is, there is no way to make everyone equal and run the country effectivly. There will always be someone out there who has it easyer than you and the only thing you can do is lower your sholder and try to bust through it. these people could get out of their situation if they would just stay in school, there are scholarships and grants for the people who need financial aide so there's no reason they shouldn't try to get out. i think the reason that they don't try is that all they know is poverty and they don't know what they are missing so they don't try in school or go to collage. if they really wanted to improve their life they would put out some effort and go back to schoool and get a real job. i know it's harsh but thats the way life is if they don't like it they should do something about it.
This movie helped me make up my decision about everyone having equal opportunities. After watching this movie, I do not think that everyone has an equal opportunity. Once you grow up in that type of society it's hard to get out of it. Even when people do try to get out, they don't succeed. Like with the football guy, he had to drop out of college because he couldn't afford food or the lifestyles of everyone else. It's really sad to see that kind of society in our country but I don't think their is much of anything that the government or anyone can do. I mean lets say they build more company's for more jobs for people, that company or business isn't going to survive because no one can afford to go anywhere. Also that would be hard because no one has the right education to really do anything. That sounds kinda harsh but it's true, in a society like that the teachers just do their best to get them through high school. In a school like Arapahoe, the teachers challenge us to our limit and prepare us for a university college. So the football guy also dropped out because the work was overwelming.
After watching this movie, it makes me wonder how poverty like this could be inside the United States. I think that something should be done, like giving that area more money and maybe some more jobs. It is really sad watching kids grow up in this environment because they don't have an equal opportunity like many other kids in the United States. Something that could be done to help the people is to remove Mountain Dew and give them more potable water to drink. The whole story isn't all grim because there are some people and businesses moving down there to help the people, in the movie it showed the dentist making his way around the area and offering free dental work to those who need it. There was also a lady that made her way up the mountain each day and brought people down that were sick. Another way to help the people would be to get the doctors that perscribe oxycotin for everything out of there and replace them with new ones that will focus more on helping patients and not just giving them drugs to take, and sell which is another major issue for this town. So overall I would say that there is some things that can be done to help this poverty stricken community, but not a lot.
I think that everyone has the same opportunities to succeed. It’s whether or not if they chose to try their hardest. It’s hard for the “Children of the Mountain because it seems like the whole mountain is corrupted by the use of drugs. I think that the government should try to take action. It will be hard because of all of the addictions but I think those people deserve help from rehab. The sad fact is that not very many people know about this, I didn’t. However, I think that if more people did, then more people would be willing to take action.
I think we all have an equal opportunity to succeed, it's just sometimes some of us have it easier than others, and some have it very hard others can't imgaine. My family like Jesus came here for better opportunities and seeing this makes you think that America isn't very different from the world. It shows that even here we have poverty and sad rough lives, it's not good but it shows its not just one place but its everywhere.And if those kids can get out of there and improve their lives because I know they can and have what it takes to succeed no matter what anyone says. And if they can they're setting an example not just for us but for everyone there who has or been through hard times that we can succeed and make something more out of our lives.
The movie was really sad and surprising. It was surprising to see how even in America people can live in those kinds of conditions. It really makes you appreciate what you have. I do however think that a lot of these people are in those situations largely because of their own mistakes. Many are into drugs, they may have committed crimes as well which really hurts them, and on top of that, they don't take care of themselves very well which puts them into more of a mess. I think it's probably a lot harder for these people to pull themselves out, but I believe that everybody has an equal opportunity. I believe that if you work hard enough and you don't give up, anything is possible. This is America. I think obviously these people need help, but I don't think we need to be getting the government involved like many people want to. It only makes the government stronger and it makes them spend more which increases taxes. That only hurts people more. I think private charities and other volunteer groups can help these people out more efficiently and without government help. I think the kids in these places need to learn from their parents mistakes and work to change their lives when they grow up. It's not easy, but it is possible.
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ReplyDeleteThis movie was an extreme downer. It shows really how lucky we are and how it isn’t easy to pick yourself up by the boot straps. However, whether we admit it or not life isn’t fair, so we take advantage of this. None of us haven’t taken advantage of these people, for that coal has probably powered something you own, or enabled factories to make some good or other for you. In the end they have little other options than coal mining. The real trouble is the fact that there is little to no way their community should ever pull up. It is not the government’s job to directly help them, however. Government is here to prepare the future through school and protect with an army and supply basic public things such as roads and courts. The only real ways to help them is to either set up another industry, coal preferably, to compete for workers. This could drive income of workers up significantly, which can help strengthen their economy. However, in order to help this succeed more would require rehab and prevention to drugs and mountain dew. I think, however, there is little chance of this happening, and thus they are likely just going to need to pull much harder than we have to in order to get our boot straps up.
ReplyDeleteThe movie was very sad. I never would have thought that the United States could have a place that has this much poverty and drug problems. I feel bad that most of the people in these hills have it so bad that they can't even eat every day. I also didn't get why so many people would pay a lot of money for drugs, when they could be using the money to survive. No, these people don't have the same opportunity to succeed because they don't have the same stuff that we have and need. Many go to school, but they don't have the same typre of learning that everyone else has. These kids also don't have the same opportunity to succeed because many times, they don't have the same family support that many kids have with there families. The things that we can do could help these people out a lot. I believe that one of the things we can do is give the schools money for books and materials. Another thing that they need are more doctors to help for little money. Some other things that could help these people are to help them get off of drugs and to a better life with a job to support their family
ReplyDeleteThis show was very sad and eye opening. I had no idea this was going on. I knew that poverty existed, but not in our country and not like that! I forget who said it but someone said in class that it’s a cycle and I completely agree. The kids can’t get out of the cycle. The football star tried to get out and he couldn’t. He worked so hard to get a scholarship and then he couldn’t deal with all of the stress of classes that he wasn’t prepared for. He seems to have tried so much harder than all of the other kids in his situation and it still wasn’t enough. He returned back to that cycle and I don’t think he can get out of it. He definitely didn’t have and equal opportunity and I’m not sure what can be done about it. Some of those people put themselves there with the drugs and everything, but what else are they supposed to do when everyone they know is the same way and they don’t have any way of getting out of that lifestyle. I guess people could send money or supplies to them, but they might not take charity. Maybe if more people were like the football player, then the cycle would change, but I just don’t know.
ReplyDeleteI was surprised by this movie because i didn't know that people lived that horribly in one town. It was very sad, especially the football player who was working his way out of his former life, but he had to drop out of college because it was too hard for him. I don't think that these people have equal opportunity because they don't receive the correct schooling in order to succeed. IF they wanted to move out of Appalachia, they would have to save a lot of money and get a decent job. Even if they did have a decent job, they would get sucked into the money and never leave or move onto something better, because they will be content with what they have already accomplished. It was really disappointing to see how hard it was for the people, and how they live their day to day lives. I'm not really sure how the government could help these people in need. maybe they could set up an organization that gives food, money, and supplies to these people?
ReplyDeleteIt was hard to believe that there are parts in our country like that when they say that everyone has equal opportunity here. Obviously that is not true because the people living there were in poverty and it is hard for them to get out. For example the boy who was amazing at football and got a scholarship did not fit in at the school and he later dropped out. If he was given a fair opportunity I think that it would have been different. They have to work a lot harder than a lot of us have to just to get food or even clothing. Here we work hard but we get more for what we work for. I think to help them we should make more people aware of this part of our country and set up charities. Just something as little as that can make a great impact for them.
ReplyDeleteMy reaction to “Children of the Mountain” was very eye opening to see such struggle in our “backyard” and we people do not even know about. It was hard seeing a teenager in high school sleeping in his car and had no family support. Along with rotten, missing teeth from Mountain Dew due to its low price and caffeine high. My heart was breaking for everyone in Appalachia especially those who dream to succeed and fall back due to their background, like the football star. These people do not have an equal opportunity to succeed because a lot of what they need comes from their family and past years of life. For example they need a car, a place to live and food to buy but all that takes money which these people do not have a lot of. The money they have buys food, pills and a sheltered environment for the entire family. They might succeed but something will bite them and put them back were they stated from. To pull the people of Appalachia out of this cycle of poverty the government needs to help these people by adding then with an equal opportunity at least where they live. By adding the town with new businesses, schools or a major selling point so people become aware of this horrible situation, thus also having other jobs than mining and drug selling available with little education needed. They should have some of the stimulus money go there, but have the government keep a close eye to where the governor spends/distributes the money. Especially if money goes to the people; the money has to be spent on either: food, bills, schooling, a car, or a shelter to live in. The money can and will not be spent on any pills for $120 even any other medications. They need are help but they have to want our help or else the cycle will not be broken.
ReplyDeleteThe movie was a definite eye opener to the poverty that is consuming such a small town. We aren't accustomed to seeing such poor living situations or such dependency on drug dealing for food, so it really should make everyone think twice about what we are able to have. I was mostly shocked about the amount of drug abuse and lack of dental health, and the mountain dew being given out to such young children. Unfortunately, these people do not have an equal opportunity in the world. The high school boy accomplished an amazing feat by graduating high school and earning a scholarship to a college for football. Even though he had an education, it is all relative and it did not help him through his college classes forcing him to drop out. I think that this town is going to be stuck in the poverty cycle if drastic action isn't taken. Just like in the article we read before about how a high percentage of children born into poverty stay there, that is what is happening to this town. I think that a proper education system should be brought into the city, as well as doctors and dentists. But, they have to be willing to want to work themselves out of their current state in hopes of a better life. I think it is possible to better the lives of these people, but it isn't going to happen over night.
ReplyDeleteI think that we should have expected it. We know that these things happen in America and we are very ignorant sometimes we tend to think about ourselves alot. No one really does anything about it.We try sometimes but with little effort. Although sometimes we cannot help them,we know that this is going on. It is very sad and you really can't watch this movie and not want ot do something, but sometimes there really isn't any thing you can do. Right now we are all trying to fend for ourselves. I think it's horrible, that they have to live like this. I think the drug problem there is the worst. It is not good for their situation nad it's just going to get worse they really don't have a fair chance especially that boy that tried to go to college and couldn't keep up. Although i think that is really no excuse to drop out he should of just tried harder if he really wanted it.
ReplyDeleteI was slightly disgusted and surprised by the the movie. I was disturbed by the fact that it was the leading community with the highest amount of toothlessness, and in poverty. However, I have studied the 1950s, and I know that Appalachia has been on of the highest rated poverty stricken community in the United States for many years. The main problem or conflict comes down to the following question: Is the American dream a reality for all? Although most Americans would like to say that it is, "Children of the Mountains" most definitely contradicted this statement. Many people, especially the ones featured in this video, do not have the abilities or appropriate surroundings to even pull themselves up by the bootstraps. Unfortunately, this is a problem that exists throughout the entire world. These people do not have anything they can use to pull themselves out of the situation they are in. Additionally, in the current economic recession, there is an even slighter chance that these individuals will be able to find jobs or become employed. I believe that the American public is extremely greedy as a whole (part of the reason why we are in such poor economic standings right now), and we need to learn to give back a little bit to our communities, cities, states and entire country. Perhaps transportation systems could be built in order to deliver these people to near by school systems, or job centers. I believe that this community can get better in time, we just might need to help a little bit.
ReplyDeleteThis movie really surprised me because I never would have thought that places like that existed in the USA. I definately think that while the people living there have the opportunity to succeed it won't come as easily as it would for someone who lives in a place live Centennial. Because their school system isn't as good and the available jobs are limited, in order to have the same opportunity as others they would at the very least be able to travel to a place where the schools are better and the jobs are more plentiful. Or more jobs and better education would have to be brought to them. That means that some people have to want to help so much that they'd be willing to make some sacrifices (like a pay cut and a home that maybe isn't as nice as one you could find around here), and the drug problem would probably also have to be taken care of. But I think that the cycle of poverty would be 100% breakable if everyone would take the time, effort, and commitment needed to make places like the Appalacian Mountain towns become more like the city we live in.
ReplyDeleteI think that this is horrible that all this is inside the United States. It leaves me wondering how with all the advances in the country over all these years how could this area have been left behind? All the other areas that started as mining town have either prospered or died off. This area has three times the national poverty rate, an epidemic of prescription drug abuse, the shortest life span in the nation, toothlessness, cancer and chronic depression. So why is the Appalachia Valley still in this shape?
ReplyDeleteAnd no these people don’t have an equal opportunity. At our high school we are prepared to go off to college because that is where most of us will go. In Appalachia the whole goal of their whole goal is to get their kids to graduate. As well, we can afford things that make our lives so much easier like car and computers. They struggle just to put food on the table so a computer or car is out of the question.
It is hard to say what would or could help pull these people out of poverty. It would need the determination of the people which is hard to have especially with the drug problem. They would need to get the money that they don’t have. It is good that there are people that help out like the dentist that used his own money to make a rolling dentist’s office. Or the lady how drives up in to the mountains every day to pick people up that need medical attention and only charges them what they can pay. I think more than anything else they need more of these people to help out and people who will help bring money into the community and keep that money in the community.
The movie was a real eye opener on how poverty is affecting people, even in America. I never could have guessed that was going on in our country. The kids are pretty much living on hope and hope alone, and they do not have an equal opportunity to succeed in this world like most children. They are born into families who can't afford a healthy living style, or to give them an education. Even the boy who got his high school diploma and went to college. At college he had no extra money to do anything fun or get materials to help him. Also his education was weak compared to that of better school systems. These problems forced him to drop out of college, and now he won't be able to break out of the trend in that town. The only thing that I think could help pull these people out of poverty is a country wide rescue fund. But even with that, the community there is already addicted to drugs and could easily fall back down on the ladder, so I don't think that there is a definite solution to this problem.
ReplyDeleteI found it very interesting how this is happening in America. My family came from Mexico to America to find a better dream and opportunities, which we have, but what can you say to these kids who have no place to go to better themselves in what is the greatest country of the world. It seems like they're trapped in their own prison. I really feel bad for these kids. I know what it's like to be barely hanging on, hoping for the best. Should the government provide aid and support? I don't know if it flows with the capitalistic ideas that are America. If anything the boundary should be set even so that everyone has a fair start at the beginning and from there best of wishes. For example like a decent education and living style, which none of these kids have. Unfortunately the solution to this problem is wide with many loopholes but if we take the time then a resolution may be found.
ReplyDeleteI do not think that these kids/families have the same opportunities as we do. Their schools are no where near as good as ours, Arapahoe gets kids ready for college, their elementary let alone wont even get them ready for high school I just think they can never get anywhere in life if they stay there or someone doesn’t come and intervene with those people and change their schools.
ReplyDeleteThe movie "children of the mountains" came as a shock but not too much of one. I knew about poverty in this part of the country but I didn’t know about how extreme it had become. Drug addiction and other bad situations are what this small town was made of. When it comes to getting a fair shot, I would have to agree with what Scott said. I believe that it’s more of being born into it and then trying to get out is the hard part. It’s just like trying to get out of a hole and it getting deeper and deeper before you can get out. So in a situation like this, with the football star in the show. He was the first to finish high school in his family and even though he got a scholarship to college he had to drop out due to the fact that he couldn’t pay the little extras he needed. So basically no that not fair he had tried but when you’re already too far in the slums it would be hard for anyone recover. To get out would be the hard part because it’s such a fit cycle. A cycle that keeps on going and going. What they need to do is gain more expose of what this hidden America is facing. So hopefully with that more help can come and this hidden America won’t have to hide no more.
ReplyDeleteThe people in this movie don't have the same opportunities we do however in retrospect I don't have the same opportunities as a kid who grows up with parents each worth one million. The world isn't fair and its notgoing to start being anytime soon. These children do have the opportunity to leave the town and try something different, they choose to stay because it is familiar to them.
ReplyDeleteAs far as poverty goes I continue that the world isn't fair and having our government start throwing money their way isn't going to make the world a fair place. I guess you just have to take what your given and make the best out of it.
"When life gives you lemons... Paint that s**t gold"
Obviously the people living in these mountains do not have the same opportunity as most other people in America. Capitalisms ideals may be good in theory, but in truth, our form of capitalism is meant to make the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. The beginnings of a good start on life these days is to get a good collage degree and get a good job somewhere. But when you live in a place where most kids drop out of school before they finish high school, how is this possible? The kids that are lucky enough to finish high school can not afford to go to collage. Those few lucky enough to get scholarships to go to collage, are not ready at all. The job of the local schools is to get their kids trough high school so that they have a slim chance at getting a job, so kids that go there are not going to get the prep they need to start collage. There are smart kids who live in these mountains that will not be able to escape these mountains because of money problem. Meanwhile there is a rich kid on the other sides of these mountains that is lazy and will not lift a finger for anyone but themselves that will still get into collage because their successful parents pay for them, and then get a school wing named after their family. The truth is that our world has made it very unlikely for some people to be able to escape a cycle poverty.
ReplyDeleteCLearly the people that live in the mountains don't have the same opportunities that most people in America have. it isn't fair but thats the way that life is, there is no way to make everyone equal and run the country effectivly. There will always be someone out there who has it easyer than you and the only thing you can do is lower your sholder and try to bust through it. these people could get out of their situation if they would just stay in school, there are scholarships and grants for the people who need financial aide so there's no reason they shouldn't try to get out. i think the reason that they don't try is that all they know is poverty and they don't know what they are missing so they don't try in school or go to collage. if they really wanted to improve their life they would put out some effort and go back to schoool and get a real job. i know it's harsh but thats the way life is if they don't like it they should do something about it.
ReplyDeleteThis movie helped me make up my decision about everyone having equal opportunities. After watching this movie, I do not think that everyone has an equal opportunity. Once you grow up in that type of society it's hard to get out of it. Even when people do try to get out, they don't succeed. Like with the football guy, he had to drop out of college because he couldn't afford food or the lifestyles of everyone else. It's really sad to see that kind of society in our country but I don't think their is much of anything that the government or anyone can do. I mean lets say they build more company's for more jobs for people, that company or business isn't going to survive because no one can afford to go anywhere. Also that would be hard because no one has the right education to really do anything. That sounds kinda harsh but it's true, in a society like that the teachers just do their best to get them through high school. In a school like Arapahoe, the teachers challenge us to our limit and prepare us for a university college. So the football guy also dropped out because the work was overwelming.
ReplyDeleteAfter watching this movie, it makes me wonder how poverty like this could be inside the United States. I think that something should be done, like giving that area more money and maybe some more jobs. It is really sad watching kids grow up in this environment because they don't have an equal opportunity like many other kids in the United States. Something that could be done to help the people is to remove Mountain Dew and give them more potable water to drink. The whole story isn't all grim because there are some people and businesses moving down there to help the people, in the movie it showed the dentist making his way around the area and offering free dental work to those who need it. There was also a lady that made her way up the mountain each day and brought people down that were sick. Another way to help the people would be to get the doctors that perscribe oxycotin for everything out of there and replace them with new ones that will focus more on helping patients and not just giving them drugs to take, and sell which is another major issue for this town. So overall I would say that there is some things that can be done to help this poverty stricken community, but not a lot.
ReplyDeleteI think that everyone has the same opportunities to succeed. It’s whether or not if they chose to try their hardest. It’s hard for the “Children of the Mountain because it seems like the whole mountain is corrupted by the use of drugs. I think that the government should try to take action. It will be hard because of all of the addictions but I think those people deserve help from rehab. The sad fact is that not very many people know about this, I didn’t. However, I think that if more people did, then more people would be willing to take action.
ReplyDeleteI think we all have an equal opportunity to succeed, it's just sometimes some of us have it easier than others, and some have it very hard others can't imgaine. My family like Jesus came here for better opportunities and seeing this makes you think that America isn't very different from the world. It shows that even here we have poverty and sad rough lives, it's not good but it shows its not just one place but its everywhere.And if those kids can get out of there and improve their lives because I know they can and have what it takes to succeed no matter what anyone says. And if they can they're setting an example not just for us but for everyone there who has or been through hard times that we can succeed and make something more out of our lives.